The Lemon Bottle Gin Cocktail Recipe

We love it when our customers invent their own cocktails and recipes, especially when the look as awesome as this! You might remember Graeme from one of our other delicious cocktails – the LemonTop Screwball which went down a storm in the summer.

We love it when our customers invent their own gin cocktails and recipes, especially when the look as awesome as this! You might remember Graeme from one of our other delicious cocktails – the LemonTop Screwball which went down a storm in the summer.

He’s been helping us bring back those nostalgic summer feels with his latest incarnation. The Lemon Bottle

Lemon bottle gin cocktail recipe

  • 3-4 Barratt milk bottle lollies (from Iceland)
  • 2-3 Walls Calippo lemon and lime ice pops
  • 50ml LemonTop Gin
  • 1 Cadbury flake
  1. In a blender place 3-4 milk lollies enough to fill 3/4 of the glass your using and add 40ml of the lemon top gin leaving 10ml for the Calippo lemon and lime ice pops
  2. Blend the milk lollies to smooth and creamy
  3. Pour the milk lolly mixture and fill 3/4 of the glass
  4. Clean the blender out and add 2-3 Calippo lemon and lime ice pops enough to fill the last 1/4 of the glass and add the remaining 10ml of LemonTop Gin blend till it’s like a slush then add to the top of the glass
  5. Garnish with a flake on top
  6. Enjoy your nostalgic taste of the seaside.

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